A simple way to improve the way you respond to complexity Yesterday evening I had the pleasure of hosting anther of Blend Associates Ltd. CPD session for the coaches and…
Are you the top of your field? Do you want to be? A roar belched out of the speakers of the cinema. There was only six people in the cinema…
How do you learn fast as a leader? In the distance was a vast blue sky, the air was salty and the sand coming off the sand dunes lightly tapped…
I just read the new scientific research on sitting and it makes you want to kneel! Last week Marc Hamilton, professor of Health and Human Performance at the University of…
How does ethics affect your decision making? I remember the day when I asked to join the monastic community as a novice monk and take the ten precepts (rules to…
Everyone deserves a medal.🎖 I heard a knock on my door last Friday, I opened the door and there was a woman and her son smiling at me. In her…
The death of leadership and the beginning of life. Dressed in white clothes as a novice Buddhist monk, I put the key into the ignition of the monastery car. A…
Increase your leadership/executive creativity 30 times. When you look at somebody your work with what do see? And Your partner The supermarket checkout person Your boss Are you stuck in…
When did you last listened to your notifications? Hey have you checked your phone notifications yet? Come on! Bing Ding Oh its on silent It’s vibrating Oh you switched to…
What wisdom would you like to share as a leader or coach? As I was walking along a footpath under the shade of trees last week, my executive client was…