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“Amaranatho works with great sensitivity and clarity, bringing his years of experience using the techniques he shares on how to reconnect to body and mind. His easy and precise instructions have helped my journey, which is unusual and rare given my standards as engineer. I was especially impressed by Amaranatho's way of holding the space - 100% present and concentrated, creating the conditions for people to focus on what is personally true to them while feeling safe sharing with the group."”

Lev Konstantinovskiysoftware engineer

“It helped me remain calm when frustrated, and allowed me to see the bigger picture, as well as understanding the biological reasons for my behaviour.”


“Working with Amaranatho was extremely helpful. In just a short space of time I gained a great deal of insight into the inner workings of my mind and body, and the connectivity between the two. Working alongside other men was also incredibly useful. I learnt so much from Amaranatho’s interactions with every single male in the group, as well as his engagement with me personally. I’m really looking forward to working with Amaranatho again in the future.”

Jonny Benjamin MBEMental health campaigner, writer, filmmaker & public speaker

“I’ve never been to a workshop before where I have come out feeling incredibly nourished and resourced, but also that I have opened up a path for ongoing learning that seems limitless.”

workshop participant in Australia

“Put me with two feet on the ground and connected”

LauraAgile Coach

It was a magical afternoon Amaranatho Maurice Robey🙏🏻🙏🙏🏽
Berend Jan Hilberts Dean, THNK – School of Creative Leadership

You can find out more feedback from the workshop/retreats/talks I ran as a monk  here

Image from Manfred Steger via Pixabay